sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

The orientalism ideology in The Russian Federation

The orientalism ideology in The Russian Federation

The ethnicity in the Russian Federation and its cultural identity by the self-determination of the nations are the principal targets in this essay. The different nationalities are limited in geographic area and economic area known as the Caucasus.
Into the modern State the self-determination of the nations are viewed as a dare by the civil groups from specifics regions languages and religious communities. The separatism movement is a concept adopted by the states to name the “self-determination of the nations”. Moreover is unfair to judge the minorities. In order to understand the multiple differences and how they integrate, let’s think about the Russian Federation as a huge cake, made with one hundred thirty ingredients of different tastes, textures, consistencies, and smells. Twenty-three ingredients from the cake are overexposed on a base made of mass represented by the Moscow’s government. The recipe must result in a cake mixed with all the ingredients. The problem here is that the reality about this piece of mass is different, because the cake is on the top the cake and it does not allow looking the rest of the ingredients. Likewise, there are some flavors that are concentrated in a specific tart’s area, denying the mixing whit the rest of the preparation.
Inside of a country with a rigid government and an over valuated sovereignty that has been placed overvalued human rights, the multiethnicity Is a key piece to understand the main problems and for that reason the subject of analyzes of this essay. The definition of orientalism, multiculturalism and multiethnicity, will work on the research. In the same way the statistics and economic, social, political and cultural indexes will be featured with the ideological theory: the orientalism.
Therefore the principal target is to analyze the European side of Russia. This region was influenced by western political ideologies. The orientalism as multiethnicity versus the Russian realism will be my discussion.
Moscow has a communist dictatorial background which it has broken down in the nineties, divided the country formed the Commonwealth of Independent States. Surely the Kremlin keeps an authority politic against the separatisms and any try of free self-determination. For instance the Russian European side tries to keep joined the whole territory. The principal tools that Moscow is using are the nationalist radical speech and the army who is working over the entire Russia.
Russia is the biggest territory country in the world, 17,045,700 km2, it is located in the Eastern Europe, and it includes central and northern Asia, too. The former regions are the Caucasus, Siberia, Irkutsk, Yakutsk and Kamchatka. Within Russia we can find 106 ethno-linguistic groups living
Eastern Russia is possible to find Siberia located in northern Asia. The Siberian geography is formed by oak forests, lakes and mineral deposits. The resources into Siberia are gold, natural gas, diamonds, copper and oil, elements appreciated by the Kremlin and private investors.

In Siberia, and eastern regions is possible to find Turkic tribes with Turkic common languages and Muslim religions. They are about the 20% of the total population.  On the other hand the Siberians are people from western Russia, slaves who are more than 80% of the population. As a result, in the past there were differences between majorities and minorities represented by two doctrine the western and orientalism”.  

The orientalism in Russia is present, not just Asian Russia, we also can find in Caucasus, and the European side as an answer-reaction against western bloc formed by Europe and the United States. The principal ethnic representations of the orientalists are their tribal structures such as Inuit in Kamchatka or nomad way of life as Manchus in the Mongolia’s boarder.
Not only the orientalism is a way of life, also it is an ideology which is studied in Russian universities. Academics and students argue that the orientalism is a national movement to confront the European Union, Commonwealth of Independent States and the Middle East, including the USA.
The problematic is inside Russia due to the difficulties to define what orientalism is. The orientalism is studied at universities, on another hand it is bringing to pass at eastern Urals.
 When is convenient to be orientalist? This term seems to be a mask against the World System, in the other hand At the provinces the demonstration could be dangerous for the Kremlin, because it may occasion separatism as an northern Caucasian region, Ingushetia and Chechnya (Denistov, 2013).

There were two important wars that defined in the Caucasus, the first was the Chechnya’s separatist movement, then, came the second Russian-Chechnya war. In both conflicts the federal army represses not only separatists, also citizens and international aiders, as NGO’s and journalists, consequently there was intolerance against Muslims specifically Chechens.  Recently, Chechnya’s rebels kidnaped and killed Russians to demonstrate disagree with Moscow’s interest. Therefore the war in the Caucasus is an example about failed relationship between western and orientalism ideas (Green, 2012).
We already know the orientalism is the difference between west and east. We are studying the Russian case, and how this country has contacted with Asian people. They extended their empire to the east, even though European nations were western side and the powerful Asian states as Ottoman Empire and China were southern. The difference among Russia and another European colonials empires were their expansion evolution, because the Catherine Great’s empire extended toward east, with the surrounding lands whereas the transcontinental expansionism of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Holland (González, 2001).

The Russians were influenced by the European ideas, coming from Voltaire and Rousseau, and social scientist who studied about Asia, so they acted as European empire. That is to say, when they contacted with Tartars, Uzbeks and Azeris, they viewed them as an exotic and uncivilized groups who must be civilized by the Russians institutions. The Russians conquered them not them conquered the Russians thus they were a superior race.

Nowadays, these regions were part of the Federation, instead, other regions as Baltic, Caucasian and Central Asia nations purchase their separation. The people who live there are viewed different than the rest of Caucasian Russians. The globalization has been crucial to recognize a different group who makes the whole federation.

At first sight, the orientalism is not the principal problem, the true problematic inception comes from the Kremlin and its interest into natural resources on the region. In spite of this idea, I think that orientalism could be the principal trouble, the reason why the people defend their land through political ideologies and cultural expressions as way of life.

Russia doesn’t have a unity cause there are too many expressions inside. Is possible to divide the country in two parts: the European and the Asian, subsequently the east is divided in many puzzle pieces.

When Alexander Nevski won the war against the German, there weren’t more Europeans and decided to be Nestorians, (ojo aquí necesitas otro conector porque la frase "suddenly..." rompe con la coherencia) suddenly the Mongols invaded Russia.
The Russians didn’t adopt Buddhism and Confucianism brought by the Mongols, because they were defeated by Nevski (Green, 2012).

The Nestorians and then the Eastern Church, believed in the diophysite position, despite this, they lived peacefully under rules that favored religion diversity. In Central Asia, during the Mongol period, 13th century, the Eastern Church mixed with indigenous religion practices (Jennot, 2013).
The Russians keep apart for foreigner influences, in fact Nevski, accepted the Khan dominance. They paid tribute to Golden Horde, however they deny accepting the Mongol shamanism, Buddhism or Confucianism, the Russians chose the Eastern Church. We can see the first slave-asian confrontation, results a problematic relationship.

Now day the orientalism is present in the whole Russia as an identifying alternative ideology. It may coming accompany with cultural performances handcrafts, stories (oral tradition), books, architecture, cinematography, music, etc., to justify its argue. Russia is on crises because there is not a “russianism” or a Russian ideology which is not linked with Moscow interests.

The enormous bi-continental country has more than a hundred ethnic groups. I think is possible to strengthen the Russian federalism by giving more independence at the Republics and Provinces, being that they need to shove away their ethnicity with a political structure, self-governance.
Today Russia is incurious about the history of Islam, Tribalism, Confucianism and Buddhism, their art, peoples and learning. Russia keeps a singular politic of integration, which will cause a division. Is possible that it could not happen, however, tribal groups and minorities will intensify their actions. These uprisings won’t be necessary violent, but they will use their culture as a weapon against the Kremlin imposition.


  • Denisov, Anton. Los rusos temen mirarse en el espejo histórico. Ria Novosti. 20 de Febrero de 2013. Consultado el 3 de Marzo de 2013. http://sp.rian.ru/society/20130220/156457472.
  •  Ramírez, Manuel Becerra. El Factor Jurídico en la transformación de la Unión Soviética a la Comunidad de Estados Independientes. Ciudad de México. Universidad Autónoma de México, 1992.
  • Said, Edward.  An Introduction to Edward Said’s Orientalism. Vintage. 1994. Consultado el 24 de Febrero de 2013. http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2008
  • Jones, Jonathan. Orientalism is not racism. Onart Blog, the Guardian, 22 de Mayo de 2008. Consultado el 25 de Febrero de 2013. http://www.renaissance.com.pk/FebBoRe2y6.htm
  • Jenott, Lance.  The Eastern, (Nestorian) Church. The Silk Route, consultado el 18 de Febrero de 2013. http://depts.washington.edu/silkroad/exhibit/religion/religion.html
  • González, Mónica. Las Muchas Identidades. Ciudad de México. Quimera, 2001.
  • Rousseau, David. The emergence of a Shared identity. San Francisco, Sage Publications. Inc. 2005.
  • Green, John. Russia, The Kiev Rus and the Mongols. Crash Cours. June, 2012. Consultado el 3 de Marzo de 2013. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etmRI2_9Q_A

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